February 07, 2004

Jim Fowler at the Aquarium

Jim Fowler will be at the Mystic Aquarium for a presentation tonight. Although they (the aquarium staff) do not know the specifics, Jim will be bringing some animals with him that he will be presenting and talking about for a limited audience. As soon as we found out about the presentation we ordered tickets (that membership was the best thing we have ever bought!) It’s an hour long, but considering the subject matter…

Johann is bubbling with excitement. How do you describe Jim Fowler to a 3 year old? For the most part we simply told him that, like Johann, Mr. Fowler loves animals and that he is a famous naturalist that has worked with animals throughout the years, since Mommy and I were young. I can’t recall that Johann has ever seen Mr. Fowler on TV, even though we do watch shows on Discovery and Animal Planet—which Jim Fowler has been involved with. We explianed that we remember watching him on Wild Kingdom with Marlin Perkins. We reminded Johann how we had met his wife (who is an artist and does many animal subjects) and explained how he has worked over the years with many, many different animals helping to protect them and learn about them. That clenched it…

Of course the lady who took our ticket order thinks we are nuts for thinking a 3 year old will enjoy this type of presentation, let alone sit still for an hour. Maybe we are, I don’t know anymore some times—we hear it from so many quarters, but we want him to have every opportunity to learn, and the more visual and hands on the better. We’ll see how it goes, but I think this will be quite the exciting night for Johann.

Posted by Eric at February 7, 2004 01:55 PM | TrackBack
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