March 30, 2004

Spring Pictures

There are a bunch of new pictures up in the gallery of Johann in an album called Spring Has Sprung. They are from our Saturday outing. Tammy will be writing up something in the next day or so to explain, although to a large degree they are pretty self-explanatory.

I have changed the way I use the gallery software. It used to have thumbnails, 600 pixel max sized medium images, and 800pixel sized large images. Now it has thumbnails, a 600pixel screen resolution image and a 1600 pixel print resolution. The change allows printing of 8×10” pictures through Shutterfly or one of the other photo services in the gallery’s upper right corner (where it says “Print this photo with”). The down side is that the 1600 pixel images are big files. Storage is not a problem, but if you are not on a broadband connection (cable / DSL / work) it will take quite while to see if you click to view the larger image. Sorry for any confusion, I will see about hacking the software to keep the big file for printing purposes but not show it. Hopefully then I can go back to 600 and 800 pixel screen resolutions.

Posted by Eric at March 30, 2004 07:31 PM | TrackBack
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Re: Spring Pictures

Hi Everyone! I’m just sorting through my Christmas cards and found the address for this website. I have been thinking about you recently, because Eddie Nowlin looked me up recently and got me reminiscing about Heidelberg. He’s doing well. He works in the admissions office of a university in western PA. He is hoping to be accepted into a Ph.D. program in Nebraska for next fall. His wife is an art professor. He’s been here twice in the past month on recruiting trips. He’s due back here in May. I’m hoping to get in touch with Robin (Deichmann) by his next visit so maybe we can all meet. I’ve also been considering trying to hunt down the rest of our program, just to get an update from everyone. I love this website, it gives quite an excellent insight into your lives! I hope things stablize quickly for you all, but it sounds like you’re doing a great job keeping your priorities straight. Drop me a note sometime if you can!
Love Jeanne

Posted by: Jeanne Liedtka on March 31, 2004 03:33 PM | Reply to this