February 06, 2004

Wahooo Snow days...

There are few days that I am glad I don’t have a job, but today is definitely one of them. Another 6–8” of snow is expected by this afternoon and the highways are a mess, even though the road crews are doing a great job of trying to stay on top of it. It should be really interesting coming home this afternoon for everyone. Right now it’s snowing, but late this afternoon (here on the coast at least) it’s supposed to change to sleet and freezing rain. Oops—there goes the power! Thankfully we have a whole day’s worth of UPS power available—one of the only things that remains from my old server room.

The good news is that we may have a good opportunity to make another snowman this afternoon, before the precipitation changes from snow to sleet and rain. Johann’s snowman from about two weeks ago is still out there, although it is somewhat emaciated after the heat wave of the past few days. He seems to lose weight the same way I have been—face and neck then gut. Oh, well. Considering the temperature this should be a good snow for making another snow man, and beefing up the old one.

Update 2004.02.06:
Well talk about a letdown… It snowed hard for about 2 hours (after a steady 1-2 hour buildup) then stopped dead. We got a total of about 3” of snow before it changed over to rain around 10:30am. Not sleet, not freezing rain—rain. It came down in big drops pretty steady all day, and all night. Basically it washed all the new snow away and chipped further at the snow from 2 weeks ago. So no new snowman, no sowball fights, no snow angels. Just wet slush.
Posted by Eric at February 6, 2004 09:03 AM | TrackBack
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